
An upload manager for your Dropbox account.
About Archiviste - Screenshot - How-To - Download - Change Log

About Archiviste

Archiviste exists because I wanted to create an online backup of the family photos, videos and music files that were stored on external drives, NAS & CD/DVD. I didn't need those files to be constantly kept in sync on my various devices and I did not want to go through the process of copying everything to my computer's Dropbox folder. The only way to do it would have been to use Dropbox web interface but I found it ill-suited to manage the upload of hundreds of files. So in the end, I created Archiviste, a small upload manager built upon the Dropbox API. I hope you'll like it !



How-to : Using part of your Dropbox account for backup purposes

If you use the Dropbox desktop client

Uploading your files


License : Archiviste is honorware. You're allowed to use this software for free until you're able to decide if it fits your needs. If it does and you want to keep using it, you are required to pay for a license. If you have a low or no income (ex : full-time student, etc), you can keep using the software without a license until you're able to pay for it. The honor-based virtual license is only $5 USD.

Download Archiviste 1.0.9 for Windows
Note : When downloading using the Chrome browser, some users get a "setup.exe is not commonly downloaded and could be dangerous" warning (this is because it is a ClickOnce installer). To proceed with the download, you have to click on the pulldown menu button on the right-side of the warning and select "Keep".

Change Log

-Linked with the lastest release of the Dropbox API (4.9.3).
-As I now use pCloud instead of DropBox for doing my non-synched backups on the cloud, this is most likely the last release of Archiviste.

-Linked with the lastest release of the Dropbox API (4.6).
-Added new upload options.

-Linked with the lastest release of the Dropbox API (4.3).

-Linked with the lastest release of the Dropbox API (4.2).

-Fixed a crash with the Compare function.

-Linked with the lastest release of the Dropbox API (3.5).
-If a file fails to upload, Archiviste will skip it and proceed with the next files.
-Remodeled the GUI to allow more than 2000 files to be displayed at once.
-Misc bug fixes.

-Linked with the lastest release of the Dropbox API (3.4).
-If you manually disconnect, next time you reconnect you'll have to go through the authorization page again. From the authorization page, you can logout of your current account and log in a different one. Previously, if you wanted to switch account, you had to disconnect, then restart the app.

-Linked with the lastest release of the Dropbox API (3.1.2).

-Improved parsing speed when dropping a large number of files at once.
-Linked with the lastest release of the Dropbox API (2.3.1).
-Moved the check for updates button to the main form.
-Fixed a bug with the automatic reconnect
-Fixed a bug with some label alignement when resizing the window.

-Initial release.

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Copyright (C) 2015-2019 - Jonathan Villemure